# ApolloSSR

# Usage

See SSR guide.

# Methods

# getStates

Returns the apollo stores states as JavaScript objects.

const states = ApolloSSR.getStates(apolloProvider, options)

options defaults to:

  // Prefix for the keys of each apollo client state
  exportNamespace: '',

# exportStates

Returns the apollo stores states as JavaScript code inside a String. This code can be directly injected to the page HTML inside a <script> tag.

const js = ApolloSSR.exportStates(apolloProvider, options)

options defaults to:

  // Global variable name
  globalName: '__APOLLO_STATE__',
  // Global object on which the variable is set
  attachTo: 'window',
  // Prefix for the keys of each apollo client state
  exportNamespace: '',
  // By default we use sanitize js library to prevent XSS 
  //  pass true here will perform a standard JSON.stringify on the states
  useUnsafeSerializer: false,
Last Updated: 11/12/2019, 7:18:18 PM